Simpson Race Products

Ipad, Iphone and Tablet PC users

It is possible to buy product from this store using an Ipad or Tablet PC, however, using the pop up virtual keyboard when entering details may obscure parts of the page and the user may be unable to see the 'Send Order' Button.

To overcome this problem, we would suggest that when filling out the customer address details form, that Ipad users click or tap into the first section of the form, then use the 'Next' button (Ipad) at the top left hand side of the virtual keyboard to move down the form rather than trying to scroll in the usual way.

Users of other Tablet PC's or mobile devices should refer to their instructions and use the appropriate 'Tab' button to move the cursor through the form.

Using the 'Next' tab places the cursor into the the next space on the form, by simply tabbing through the form, when the cursor enters the bottom field, the next part of the page, including the 'Send Order' button will be shown.

Simpson Race Products

CA/Etrust Firewall Users

If the Message 'Removed By HIPS FW ..' appears on the basket page, the page is being modified by the CA Firewall.
Or the error message "Internet explorer cannot find .../index1.html", it is being blocked by the firewall.

To correct this, please:-
Open the Firewall software, select 'Privacy', Select 'Manage Sites'.
Select 'Add site', in the URL box type - www.simpson-helmets.eu
Select OK and close this software.
Restart your browser.

Simpson Race Products

Shopping Basket

The shopping basket icon appears at the right hand edge of the product details page, if this is not visible, please click on the 'More Details' tab. The product details page will then be displayed.
Click the shopping basket icon to purchase products.
Simpson Race Products

Older Safari Browsers MAC Operating system

The Safari browser older Than Version 3.2  may not work with this site, it may not display correctly. We would recommend that Mac users wishing to use our site, do so with a firefox browser.
This is availble free from http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/all.html 
Choose you operating system and language from the list.
Alternatively, use Safari for Mac version 3.2 and later.